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NCHPO Disaster Preparedness and Response

Historic Resilience

National Park Service’s Guidelines on Flood Adaptation for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings (PDF)

A document with technical preservation guidance for historic properties at risk of flooding.

Disaster Mitigation for Historic Structures: Protection Strategies (PDF)

A manual by 1000 Friends of Florida for integrating historic preservation and disaster preparedness.

Resilient Rehab: A Guide for Historic Buildings in Miami-Dade County (PDF)

Guidance from Miami-Dade County on how to protect historic resources from natural hazards.

Local Examples

Edenton Historic District Design Standards (PDF)

Design standards for Edenton’s historic districts, including a “Disaster Preparedness and Prevention” chapter.

Charleston’s “Design Guidelines for Elevating Historic Buildings” (PDF)

Design guidelines focusing on these key aspects of elevation projects for historic buildings: streetscape/context, site design, foundation design, and architecture/preservation.

Baltimore’s Fells Point Flood Mitigation Guidelines (PDF)

Guidelines for property owners and tenants to minimize the impact of flooding on historic rowhouse properties.

FEMA’s Homeowner’s Guide to Retrofitting: Six Ways to Protect Your Home from Flooding (PDF)

A guide to protecting your home from flooding.

Mapping and Data


A mapping tool and database from NCHPO of historic resources throughout North Carolina.

African American Heritage & Culture of North Carolina

A digital asset map of cultural sites and natural resources developed by the N.C. African American Heritage Commission and the Conservation Trust for North Carolina.

FIMAN (Flood Inundation Mapping and Alert Network)

A real-time digital tool that provides rain and stage gage data, flood inundation maps, flooding alerts, and other information.

NC FRIS (North Carolina Flood Risk Information System)

Digitally accessible flood maps, reports, risk assessments, and more.

NC Floodplain Mapping Program (

Extensive information, maps, and resources on flooding in North Carolina.

Sea Level Rise and National Register Listings

A mapping tool and database from NCHPO that enables users to overlay historic resources and flood-hazard areas.

FEMA Glossary

FEMA’s official glossary of emergency-management terms.

Planning Resources

State of North Carolina’s Hazard Mitigation Plan (PDF)

A federally mandated plan identifying potential hazards in North Carolina and actions that could reduce the loss of life and property.

FEMA’s Integrating Historic Property and Cultural Resource Considerations into Hazard Mitigation Planning (PDF)

A planning guide for the protection of historic resources from natural hazards.

Plan Integration for Resilience Scorecard™ Guidebook: Spatially Evaluating Networks of Plans to Reduce Hazard Vulnerability, Version 2.0 (PDF)

A guide to evaluating the consistency of adopted community plans and the extent to which they potentially strengthen or weaken community resilience.

PlanNC Guidebook: A Practitioner’s Guide to Preparing Streamlined Community Plans

A School of Government handbook that describes a seven-step process for efficiently preparing community plans.